★ JTB Media ★

Client: DIONYX Designs
DIONYX is a plus size apparel line featuring trends in pop culture. In addition to this, it is an art line for an artist to sell stickers and prints. along with an art line featuring fun and vibrant designs. This company was newly established during the pandemic and would be selling their products at art walks and artist alleys at various conventions. Their name stems from the greek god Dionysus, who is the god of wine, pleasure, the arts, and festivity.

This was a full design kit. The goal was to develop a logo, branding style guide, product photography, and social media assets that encaptured the vibe of the client’s pre-existing artwork and merchandise.

For this design style, I leaned heavily into their namesake Dionysus and used the color purple from the grapes used to represent him. This god’s entire realm is based around freedom of expression of self and pure ecstasy. To convey this, I wanted the branding to be playful and reminiscent of 70s design but still maintaining a modern touch. The editing style of the product photography also reflect this choice.

Product Photography

Branding and Style

Logo variations

Apparel Tag

Social Media